DevLog 29: So, two Grims walk into a bar...

Hi Grims! Oak here.

I hope you're all enjoying summer, or the equivalent season in your respective area (it's summer for us here in Estonia at least!) :3

We're in half-work-half-vacation mode right now. We went to see a castle for next year's Castle Game Jam, scouted out the grounds and took some footage. There was a lot of memeing. Oh, and, as said we're also in Estonia! Again. For a while. We're trying to settle some business here and then we're going to return to Sweden into our cosy room at Spelkollektivet.

So what's new with Death and Taxes? We had a meeting to nail down some more of the tasks required for our upcoming content patch, slated for release this Halloween. And now we're focusing on that more and more, meaning that we're going to try and get that done as soon as possible! So we have plenty of time to iron out any issues and get to the level of quality we're happy with.

Here's a little peek at the new Bar area we're making :3

Will you have the ear of the Bartender? 

What other patrons could there be? 


All while that's been going on, we've been accepted to the lineup of this year's Gamescom Indie Arena Booth! Make sure to check out all of the awesome games in the lineup, lots of cool stuff to see. Leene is hard at work putting lots of love and effort into our (totally awesome) virtual booth. We might share some teasers later on from that, too!

And that's it for now! Stay tuned to find out more ^_^

Much love

-Death and Taxes

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